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Do you have a wicked problem ?


What are Wicked problems ?

Leadership Wicked Problems

A wicked leadership problem refers to a complex and challenging issue that a leader or a group of leaders faces, which is difficult to define, has multiple interconnected causes, and requires innovative and collaborative solutions. Unlike traditional leadership problems, wicked problems have no single solution, and they often require long-term, systemic thinking to address.

Brand Wicked Problems

Addressing wicked brand problems requires leaders to think strategically, creatively, and empathetically to rebuild trust, improve brand perception, and foster long-term brand loyalty. Wicked brand problems typically involve issues related to brand reputation, customer perception, market competition, or cultural trends that impact a brand's performance and success.

Culture Wicked Problems

Wicked culture problems are systemic issues that require a fundamental shift in the values, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals and groups.

These problems often require deep introspection, cultural sensitivity, and a willingness to challenge and change deeply ingrained attitudes and behaviors. 

What we do with Wicked Problems ?

Design Fiction & Forecasting innovation

We believe that creating a culture of experimentation and learning is key. Our workshops provide the perfect platform to develop your intuitions and inference skills while exploring the possibilities of the future.

Embracing Uncertainty and developping Inner Agility

Our team is committed to giving you the courage to embrace uncertainty and developing inner agility. We guide you through the process of assessing your current situation, setting clear goals and taking the necessary steps to make your dreams a reality.

Relationships & Organizational Design

Our main focus is to develop the relationships and organizational design that are the glue to make your bold ideas happen. We provide tailored strategies and plans that focus on the relational intelligence that allows your business to thrive. 

Tech Safari to feel the future

We organize Tech Safari to feel the future quickly and allow continuous learning to happen. We believe that the future is already there, it is just not well distributed yet.

Embodied Creative Leadership

We help teams tap into the collective wisdom of their bodies to create a space of trust and collaboration. Our process is both creative and transformative, and our goal is to help teams thrive and reach their full potential.

Happenings & Field Trips

Our team of experienced facilitators specialize in experiential learning and activities that foster creativity and collaboration. Through our unique programs, we bring your team on adventures where suspension of disbelief happens and heart-centered practices are embraced. With Wild Cookie, you can experience team-building like never before.


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